Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Wow. That's really all I have to say. There was a special on The Daily Show about this and I had to check it out. And now I want to kill myself. You should go there too. Now click on the link (which is also the header).

By the way, I realized that if you check out the gallery, all the cardboard signs have some sort of reference to God or Christianity. I guess you should only give money to god-fearing christians.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm..that's pretty absurd, but I don't see a problem with it--apart from the "bumvertising" title.

1:43 PM  
Blogger Denial so Fragile it Fractures said...

The problem is not in the using of homeless people for advertising (although the idea does create a general depressed feeling in me for some reason), it's the attitude about the whole operation. Here's a quote from the webpage: "Glen the angry bum, although in consideration for the position, takes no pride in sign building or maintenance, and therefore has not yet been offered a contract." And another: "The most prevalent complaint with Bumvertising™ is its name. People do not feel that it is appropriate. According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, a bum is defined as:

1. A tramp; a vagrant.
2. A lazy or shiftless person, especially one who seeks to live solely by the support of others.

Without addresing the issues of laziness or shiftlessness, the second definition seems to be very much to the point. These people are hired because their full time job is asking other people for food, money, and clothing." There is clearly a strong element of condescension throughout the entire webpage. This was even more clear in the interview on the daily show.

5:40 PM  

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